Anavar for sale online - anavar before and afterYou may be wondering what type of results you can see from being on an Anavar cycle and doing it correctly. The truth is, Anavar results will vary from person to person in terms of any anabolic steroid.

However you can establish some basic benefits to taking Anavar and figure out whether or not you would really benefit from taking it because, as mentioned before, it become quite costly, especially for men.

testimonials - before and after photos

Anavar Results For Bulking

For a bodybuilder, during their off-season where they are bulking and looking to put on size and strength, being on an Anavar cycle is not going to do much in terms of their goals at that specific time. This is because Anavar is a fairly weak steroid and will not enhance a bodybuilder when they want to put on some noticeable size. In the bulking phase, most bodybuilders would stick to cycling on something like Dianabol for example. Because of the fact that they are able to put on incredible amounts of lean muscle mass and tissue whereas Anavar doesn’t do nearly as much for them at that particular time when they are preparing for the competition.

Anavar results during the off-season will be far more noticeable and worthy for females because their bodies are far more sensitive to Anavar in comparison to a male. Therefore, they react better to it and they are able to put on more lean tissue. Although they also can’t put on massive amounts of muscle whilst on Anavar, females are able to reap the rewards of it more than males. For most females competing in a sport, Anavar is without a doubt the best anabolic steroid they could take. The side effects are minimal and can be reversed quickly, their bodies react very well to it and respond better to the Oxandrolone hormone.

cutting stack

Results Of Anavar Cutting Cycle

It is during a cutting phase that males will benefit the most from being on an Anavar cycle because of the simple fact that it allows them to have a much harder and shredded physique. Anavar is one of those anabolic steroids that is widely used only during the contest preparation phase for a show. Anavar contains an Oxandrolone hormone which means that muscle tissue can be preserved and it increases metabolic activity which would promote fat burning. It is the perfect cycle to do during a cutting period as you are able to preserve the muscle you’ve put on in the off-season and get rid of the fat surrounding it.

anavar resultsIf you are thinking about going on an Anavar cycle, it is one of the safest anabolic steroids to take. However it is worth knowing some of the side effects so that if you do in fact experience any of them, you have not been misinformed that just because it is the “girl steroid” it can’t affect you in any way. You need to remain responsible and stay within the recommended dosages and you should be fine. If you get worried about the side effects, you can simply just stop the cycle and the effects will be reversed.

Anavar is typically used for cutting down, for the majority of men, they will be on 50-80mg per day. Anavar is more widely used by women as they are able to tolerate this anabolic steroid more than any of the other ones. Most of the women on an Anavar cycle will be on 10-20mg each day and this would usually be within a fairly short 6 week period. Take note though that it is known for people who go above 20mg per day to experience some of the side effects of Anavar, so most people stick within the 10-20 mg dosage per day.

One of the main reason for being on Anavar during a cutting cycle is because it manages to preserve the lean tissue whilst you are in a caloric deficit and it also increases your metabolic activity. These are some of the main things that you want to maintain during a cutting phase because you have gained all that muscle tissue during the off-season and the last thing you want to do is throw away all that time of hard work and dedication by losing some of that tissue.

One of the rarer side effects of Anavar is issues with blood pressure and cholesterol. It is recommended to stay below 100mg per day to be safe. Anavar is also associated with decreasing the amount of testosterone that is produced within your body but because of the fact that Anavar is quite a mild anabolic steroid, the decreased amount of natural testosterone being produced isn’t taken to levels that would hugely impact you, in comparison to various other anabolic steroids.

Anavar can have some potential side effects. Its use can lead to women become more masculine with their voice becoming deeper, losing hair, especially on the scalp, more body hair and the enlargement of the clitoris. The important thing to know is that most of the women on Anavar do not suffer from any of these reactions especially when they use it responsibly.

If you are thinking about going on an Anavar cycle, it is one of the safest anabolic steroids to take. However it is worth knowing about Anavar results and some of the side effects so that if you do in fact experience any of them, you have not been misinformed that just because it is the “girl steroid” it can’t affect you in any way. You need to remain responsible.
